Most items in the Rocking Jewellery collection can be bought through Etsy. For those who do not know Etsy, it is a website dedicated to handicrafts and hand made items sourced from creative and dedicated people all over the world.
Click on the Etsy below to go straight to the Rocking Jewellery ‘shop’:
Or alternatively just drop me an email so we can liaise on what you would like. No piece of Rocking Jewellery is the same. If you let me know, for instance, that you like a pendant with a ‘Desert Pearl’ from Wadi Rum, I can send you a few photographs … as of course, no stone is the same. That’s what makes Rocking Jewellery unique!
Or maybe you’d like a necklace with Dead Sea stones — from the lowest point on earth.
On Etsy I also have pendants made from the same ‘blue stone‘ that was used to construct the inner circle of Stonehenge — from the Presilli Hills in SW Wales. The pendant is unpolished and has therefore a very ‘down to earth’ look. No polishing processes are used to make this pendant! Very magical, see below.
You can contact me by clicking here.